Fontaíne Living
Pioneer in holistic & exclusive ART & HOME DÉCOR for conscious living with 5 Sense & Glamour.
Damit du in Räumen lebst, die dich in deiner Kraft unterstützen und dir Energie geben.
For Spaces of Calm, Strenght and Prospertity
Fontaíne Signature Collection ART
Personality Intention Artwork Creations with Granulat Relief, nature Aquarelle and Gold colours implements for a lightful, exclusive Interior Design finishing and highfrequency Living.
The Light Collection ART
Empowerment Art Collection > Art Prints from Aquarelle Colour Creations on Canvas for Oueen & Goddess Self & Space Empowerment.
5 Elements Collection ART
High Frequency Natur Wall Art Creations > Fine Art Prints from Nature Photography with a Powerful graphic and energetic processing finishing behind Acrylic Glas, Alu Dibond or Canvas in Gallery Qualität for more Connection with the Natur and 5 Elements Living.